By cockfist - 04/03/2014 22:41 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, I spent my first night at my boyfriend's place, and my first night sleeping beside him. I woke up in the early hours to him holding me and muttering in his sleep something like "surprise fisting". I'm beyond terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 235
You deserved it 6 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cwizer 17

I think he might just be happy and thinking of ways to please you.


You just have to open up to something like that

Good job, you went and ruined the surprise.

icepick23 12

You may want to buy some lube.

am I the only one that finds it ironic rhat comment 69 mentioned a chastity belt?

You won't be sleeping tight after that.

nitrog100 21

Sleep talking doesn't make any sense. Don't think anything of it. My own brother has told me to get that chalk out of his room and asked where he put his castle.

Maybe he couldn't find his castle because it was buried under the chalk.

Fluffy283 8

Welcome to the pants-are-mandatory-in-bed club, OP. You're not the only one who has a freaky partner, you poor thing.