By Anonymous - 31/05/2014 20:04 - United States - Brandon

Today, I spent several hours downtown with my violent grandma, after she was arrested for threatening a guy with a gun. His crime? "Trespassing" by ringing the doorbell and asking if she was interested in donating to charity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 898
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Well in her defence, these charity organisation names are sounding like malicious and/or terrorist organisations, I mean UNICEF, WWF, PETA! Wake up people...

Imagine what happens to the Jehovah's witnesses....


Roses are red. Violets are blue. I have Alzheimer's Cheese on toast.

I have no idea how this relates to Alzheimer's. More like turrets.

sterling1113 15

I have no idea how this is related to turrets, more like Tourette's.

I think 12's poem was referring to how Alzheimer's patients can sometimes forget what they were saying mid-sentence.

I knew it looked wrong. No lame excuses, I just had a lapse of brain cell usage and forgot how to spell.

91hayek 31

better get your head checked for turrets :P

raspution 21

Why don't you ring her door bell and ask?

wysegirl 24

Sounds like my grandma. Cool at least she can defend herself.

...Or just end up murdering someone

Well, thats one way to deal with door to door solicitations. Word gets around that there's some crazy old lady with a gun threatening passers-by, and the only ones crazy enough to still ring the bell after that would be Jehovah's witnesses. And really, not sure if one or two of them would be all that missed.

I_Am_Melanie 15