By artist - 29/03/2013 11:12 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I spent the whole night and day painting a portrait of my girlfriend. Being proud of it, I sent it to her hoping she would appreciate it. I spent hours working on that picture only for her to reply with, "That's not me, is it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 871
You deserved it 4 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"It's what you'd look like if you weren't so damned beautiful." Instant pickup-line.

ogatasan 5

I spent two hours shading your upper lip


saltycookies 5

next time put a few days work into it instead of a few hours and she may appreciate it more

Chucklikesbacon 12

What a sweet gesture! She should be thankfull to have you!

Obey_StudBoii 23

I'm sorry OP. In her eyes it may not look like her but in yours it does. She may not take compliments well (hence which is why you did the portrait) and it counts as a compliment.

That's rude! 30 yrs ago, my friend drew a portrait of me, it was excellent but it didn't look like me! I loved it & I still have it!

I know people who think they are talented (drawing, singing, poetry) when in fact, their work is embarrassingly awful and they are constantly fishing for compliments, putting everyone on the spot to dredge up something nice to say. That's what I immediately think of when people post on FML about having their artistic works put down. Maybe you aren't like that, and your girlfriend is just rude, but I kind of doubt it.

not her fault it wasn't a good picture. if it looked good n she brushed it off..I'd. understand

FYL, because she should at least be appreciative of all the hard work you did for her (whether it looked good or not). I was wondering, though, why did you send a picture of it to her? If I had spent that much time on something special like that I would have wanted to show it to them in person.

onorexveritas 23

sometimes pulling an all fighter gets the best of us