By artist - 29/03/2013 11:12 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I spent the whole night and day painting a portrait of my girlfriend. Being proud of it, I sent it to her hoping she would appreciate it. I spent hours working on that picture only for her to reply with, "That's not me, is it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 871
You deserved it 4 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"It's what you'd look like if you weren't so damned beautiful." Instant pickup-line.

ogatasan 5

I spent two hours shading your upper lip


Art is for people who enjoy art. Maybe the OP is really good at art, and the girlfriend just doesn't know art enough to tell. Maybe she's really inexperienced with art, but enjoys doing it anyways. One thing we do know though, is that she enjoys art enough to put two days worth of effort into a single painting. No one starts out as an experienced artist, you have to keep working at your skill, so you shouldn't quit it just because you are "bad".

perdix 29

Pride comes before the fall. Even talented artists starve, so you may want to see what opportunities there are in telemarketing.

Tell her you and Picasso share the same bloodline that might cream her under garments.

jem970 19

Does it matter? "A same sex couple?! What is this world coming to?!" Please dont try and start a same sex couple hate chain. Not everyone shares that backwards opinion.

Obey_StudBoii 23

There's an issue with this because??

Maybe we should try and give #30 the benefit of the doubt and assume that they were just trying to stop people from saying "he/him" when OP is a girl instead of assuming they were saying that because they are anti-gay?

Maybe you should follow up by building her a cake.

jem970 19

From someone who has difficulty drawing stick figures I congratulate you Ma'am! I am sure it was lovely.

Perhaps it's not the fact that it was bad, but she was planning on breaking up with you and felt bad.

Next time try painting her more how she wants to be vs what she looks like? if you know what she likes about her face emphasize that if you know what she hates downplay that feature . Be very subtle though with changing proportions or you will loose likeness. Also most paintings take 50+ hours. Maybe you rushed it a little. ( depends on medium and style though ). If it didn't really look like her: more practice! And ask her what painting style she likes before you go through all the effort again, it might never be right.... Good luck.

jalfredprufrock 2

Aww that was really sweet of you though :)

Since when is two hours "night and day"? Regardless, she should have at least said something nice about it. fyl