By artist - 29/03/2013 11:12 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I spent the whole night and day painting a portrait of my girlfriend. Being proud of it, I sent it to her hoping she would appreciate it. I spent hours working on that picture only for her to reply with, "That's not me, is it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 871
You deserved it 4 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"It's what you'd look like if you weren't so damned beautiful." Instant pickup-line.

ogatasan 5

I spent two hours shading your upper lip


Haha, gotta love the slew of Napoleon Dynamite jokes. I can just see the disgust on her face as she looks at the picture.

The_9th_Doctor 18

Did you draw it from life? Try keeping a sketchbook of your girlfriend, practicing capturing her form frequently. She will appreciate the effort and you'll only improve.