By artist - 29/03/2013 11:12 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I spent the whole night and day painting a portrait of my girlfriend. Being proud of it, I sent it to her hoping she would appreciate it. I spent hours working on that picture only for her to reply with, "That's not me, is it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 871
You deserved it 4 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"It's what you'd look like if you weren't so damned beautiful." Instant pickup-line.

ogatasan 5

I spent two hours shading your upper lip


skyeyez9 24

Was it like the painting an old lady did to "fix" a priceless portrait of Jesus in the museum? She tried to make it better and painted over was awful. But funny at the same time. It was on the news a few mos ago.

MythsNLegends 10

Send her a mirror along with your next piece of art.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER do art of a lover in today's modern day and age. People just don't appreciate art like they used to when society was actually cultured. That or else you painted her in the style of late Monet or which case: you deserved it.

Sorry OP, but if it sucked, it sucked. Of course she should appreciate the effort, but she's not inconsiderate just for trying to figure out what you painted.

she's probably amazed by such painting that she doubts that its her

She could have stated her opinion more... erm, politely. My boyfriend showed off a painting that he'd done that he was super proud of, and I hated it, but I didn't say "what is that disgusting garbage?" I just told him it wasn't to my taste.

That's unfortunate that she doesn't appreciate your work. But remember if your relationship ever comes to an end, I'm sure your next girlfriend will love the gesture. Be strong.

I actually did the same thing for a then-boyfriend years ago. I painted a portrait of him. You know what he did? His face contorted when he saw it, and he then proceeded to stuff it right under a pile of heavy textbooks right in front of me, and then pretty much acted like it didn't exist. I should have dumped his ass right then and there. I have a feeling he threw it out the first chance he got. I guess it's difficult to gift a self-conscious person an image of them, because they won't see the beauty in it.