Dating hell

By Anonymous - 13/12/2023 16:00 - United States - Midland

Today, a man I matched with on a dating app told me I was very unattractive but he would let me blow him if I put something over my face and kept all my clothes on. How did I get so lucky? FML
I agree, your life sucks 544
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a single dad I've dealt with similar situations. Just like that there's internet trolls there's also dating site trolls of both male and female variety. I've had women on dating sites tell me I needed to change my entire look or get rid of my kids and not be a single dad 😞. Gotten used & abused from dating sites, I've dealt with scam artists, catfishers, crazy's, being led on by gold diggers, sex workers and let's not forget the creepy polyamorous couples who immediately want to meet your kids and have your kids meet their kids. Dating in the modern age sucks and you have to be very selective and picky with who you even talk to, let alone actually go out on a date with. Good luck OP and do some research look up what all the red and orange flags are for relationships and also read the narcissists Bible. This will help you weed out potential losers before you even start the talking/texting phase and yeah nowadays you have to stock people's social media profiles ,this will help you determine whether or not they're real and not a catfisher or a bot.


As a single dad I've dealt with similar situations. Just like that there's internet trolls there's also dating site trolls of both male and female variety. I've had women on dating sites tell me I needed to change my entire look or get rid of my kids and not be a single dad 😞. Gotten used & abused from dating sites, I've dealt with scam artists, catfishers, crazy's, being led on by gold diggers, sex workers and let's not forget the creepy polyamorous couples who immediately want to meet your kids and have your kids meet their kids. Dating in the modern age sucks and you have to be very selective and picky with who you even talk to, let alone actually go out on a date with. Good luck OP and do some research look up what all the red and orange flags are for relationships and also read the narcissists Bible. This will help you weed out potential losers before you even start the talking/texting phase and yeah nowadays you have to stock people's social media profiles ,this will help you determine whether or not they're real and not a catfisher or a bot.

Sonotsuave 35

Tell him he can sick your sick and piss off 🤣 what in the heck.

Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

by rejecting ppl ur not attracted to and going for ppl who aren't attracted to I. difference is they wud let u blow them but u ain't letting the ugly guys do u lol so ur more lucky to have that chance wen the ugly guys don't lol