By LNamesOnly - 09/07/2012 07:31 - Australia

Today, I spoke to my hormonal pregnant wife about baby names. I told her I liked the name "Tabitha", and she went into a full rage about how all letters have textures, colours and emotions and how T is an evil letter. Apparently it's orange, plastic, and a needle trying to stab her eyes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 667
You deserved it 4 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recently discovered a kind of 'disease' where the people who have it connect letters and/or numbers with colours. Let me Google it... Synesthesia, that's the one.

Its just the hormones, nothin to worry about


Well.. I guess she doesn't like that name

Just play along OP. I noticed your username is Lnamesonly. Just tell your wife to name your kid Lucifer because after all she is the devil.

sucksferyoubro 0
kitsune3 20

I don't think "hormonal" is the right word. More like "batshit crazy."

The awkward moment when that's my name.

dontwaiteup 2

for those of you that hate the name Tabitha, i actually like the name.. why do i like it, well one because that is my actual name and two because it is different than what is already in my family... and to tell you something else if my sister wanted to get a cross tattoo she could use the letters S.A.L.T. Only me and my younger sister can do that....