By dumbass - 06/09/2012 06:46 - United States

Today, I sprained my ankle trying to prove that I can walk in high heels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 706
You deserved it 26 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coolboy675 16

I think that's a sign to get off your high horse


carminecris89 13

I don't know how you can't walk in them, but you might want to practice by walking around in them a little. Make sure you get a good brand so they don't hurt and fit perfectly, a bad shoe might be what's keeping you from doing better in them. Every girl should have at least one sexy pair of heels.

onorexveritas 23
ElenaMaria18936 2
elizacandle 29

ouch on your pride and your ankle

Don't think too much of yourself next time :)