By snidpea - 31/01/2010 17:07 - France

Today, I sprained my ankle while playing soccer. I still have to walk home. In the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 057
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still have to walk home... present tense? Better get to it! You'll catch pneumonia!

I feel your pain. I sprained mine a year ago, and I had to get a cast and everything. It was really awful. I can't play soccer anymore because of it ._.


Shystai 0

I understand how you feel. Same thing happened to me. During a small sand storm, but a swollen ankle

How is it the same thing if your ankle was swollen and it was during a sandstorm?

MF12 0

still an ankle problem and still bad weather

paid2think 0
yzaldana 0

Couldn't you ask anybody for a ride??? Or maybe a taxi?? Or just wait for the rain to stop at least... o.O

OP ydi. Play a real sport like beer pong. :-)

toxic10uhc 0

op deservers it for playing a gay sport, that's not unlucky that's karmic justice lmao

bellaamariee 0

aww, I would have given you a ride home(:

Put the phone down and start walking!! :D Just joking, but I hope you made it back fine.

Your calling the op gay when you have a pokemon for our background

DogmaT_fml 4

WTF, OP? Why include a weather report? Maybe including the distance would have made it a better FML..

soccer is the #1 sport in the world but yeah fyl

WTF is wrong with rain you damned racist!!!

You still have to walk home... present tense? Better get to it! You'll catch pneumonia!

Classic soccer player here. Whine whine whine whine whine

I feel your pain. I sprained mine a year ago, and I had to get a cast and everything. It was really awful. I can't play soccer anymore because of it ._.

Erindub 0
badbowtie 0

That's what you get for playing a dumb gay sport. ****.

Enoch134 0

at least u didn't pass out while walking home from taco bell and wake up 9 hrs later with no taco

Enoch134 0

I love lacs what position are you mid or d

Gumblebum100 0

that happened to you?!?!? man that would be ……… weird

wtf to the taco bell and no taco thtd suk id be pissed

mckkayua 0

that happened to me it hurt so bad! hope ur ankle feels better:)