By MJjunior - 31/08/2011 16:04 - Australia

Today, I started my first day working at a toddler day care center. At one point I decided to play "got your nose" with one of the kids. It turns out this kid has a physical birth abnormality on his face. I got his nose... his prosthetic nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 526
You deserved it 13 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So som people play "Got your penis"? Never heard of it.

So som people play "Got your penis"? Never heard of it.

13 - Did you by chance lose the penis game when you were little?

oops_im_fucked 8

Because it's normal to grab penises these days....

ifailplzinsultme 0

I played got your penis with the old man in the big white van

That when you throw the penis and say, "fetch"

XxHoPPoxX 8

they had free candy written crudely on the side

jessesgirl14 16

:O Poor kid!! You probably made him cry

Seriously eh?! I mean honestly, what are the chances of that actually happening? It's to the point where my first instinct was to say that it didn't really happen, but then again, who would come up with a story like that?! It's really really funny actually, to be honest.

kablooey_01 3

I agree, they must have done a good job on the nose :o I feel bad for the kid though, but he's only a toddler, he'll forget most likely

youngbuck10 9

Those other kids probably think you are the best magician ever.

biglittlehead 12

"who wants to see a magic trick?" -kid runs and hides in the corner.

youngbuck10 9

Yeah, that's what I'm saying! If I saw that as a kid, I don't know if it would have scared or amazed me lol.

Thats the greatest thing i have ever heard EVER.

Buttsexpirate 9

Don't freak out! Don't make the kid feel anymore awkward than he probably already does. Hand it back like nothing is wrong.