By Anoymous - 18/09/2013 18:31 - Slovakia - Bratislava

Today, I started my new job. Only after I met my new boss did I realise I've met him before. He was at my friend's party last month, the only time in my life when I got so wasted that I danced on a table before puking on myself. He remembers me, too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 219
You deserved it 12 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vffjvsegb 11

Well that will be an awkward boss/employee relationship

Perhaps not the most pleasant of ways to learn to regulate your alcohol consumption, what with it being your workplace and all, but better to learn this lesson now than perhaps never learning it at all.


HighasaCloud 46

Shouldn't this be under the work category? Unless he was trying to hit it at that party...?

Maybe he just finds it funny. You can party hard and work hard as well!

CapelliRossi 3

How about exercising a little self-control there, dickless?

At least he hired you. I also made a drunk fool of myself, puking all over and sitting in the rain, at a work barbecue party 2 weeks before I started working there. My boyfriend and my BOSS had to carry me inside after I refused to get out of the rain.