By Anonymous - 14/11/2015 11:47 - United States - Taunton

Today, I started to tell my step-dad about a funny video I came across online last night. He cut me off by saying, "Yeah? Well I came across your mom's face last night!" then left for work with a shit-eating grin on his face. I could've gone the rest of my life without knowing that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 362
You deserved it 2 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a lovely mental picture to have there.

Punch him. Then say he didn't see that coming


corky1992 33

Since it wasn't my dad who said this about my mom I find this hilarious lol I'm sorry.

AScooterman 12

Add that one up in the big book of most pathetic parental comments. How can you tell that the parent is a loser: Playing one upmanship against your child. Talking about sex between the parents to the child. Clearly not listening

Agreed. Not only is it inappropriate on numerous levels to discuss your private affairs with others, much less your child, he wasn't showing any form of courtesy or respect for the child he is supposed to be molding into a decent human being. Lead by example is not the case here.

Soverain 15

You know who came up with the phrase "shit eating grin" I can't imagine it to be a very pleasant experience.

What a dick! why would he think it was OK to say a thing like that! Ugh!!

Damn yall gotta unique relationship if he told you that