By Anonymous - 14/11/2015 11:47 - United States - Taunton

Today, I started to tell my step-dad about a funny video I came across online last night. He cut me off by saying, "Yeah? Well I came across your mom's face last night!" then left for work with a shit-eating grin on his face. I could've gone the rest of my life without knowing that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 362
You deserved it 2 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a lovely mental picture to have there.

Punch him. Then say he didn't see that coming


bronxiecat777 14

Your dad has masterfully combined the two greatest insults of the decade in to one. Your mom and your face.

scoobysnarks 15

I can't imagine what kind of cad would say that to anyone - much less a relation of any kind. I'd be ashamed to say that to my friends at a social get-together - imagine a bunch of guys at a bar or something (although I don't drink) -- and I think I'd rather die than say that to my kids.

I kind of feel like this is even worse because he is the step dad so has even less right to rub this in. :/

Sorry OP. Sounds like your mother married a jerk who doesn't respect her or you. gross can a step dad be... I would return the favor and tell your mom he said that to you, I'm sure she wouldn't like being talked about that way, especially to her own son. Bring it up at the dinner table even!

daniel_sherf 6

sounds like something I'd say....blahahaha me and your dad would get along just fine hahaha

Ask mommy what was all the noise for last night

Miranda04 14

That would be so terrible to hear my step-dad say >.<