By Sick - 24/02/2009 20:34 - Canada

Today, I stayed home, sick in bed. I had been sleeping on my arms. I got up quickly to grab the phone. My numb left arm rocketed and punched me in the (now cut) lip, which threw me off balance, making me smash my (now bloody) nose off of the headboard. It was a telemarketer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 679
You deserved it 6 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you got beat up by yourself. That takes a lot of talent.

how the ****?...i would like to see a reinactment. but dont worry it sounded like something id do


MukyDaCookie 0

ROFLMAO #46! OP that is HORRIBLE, but soooo funny. I've done alot of things like that, i feel your pain.

collegegirl30 0

bahaha! i have a similar story: my alarm clock went off for school and it was across my bedroom. both of my legs and both arms were numb and i didnt know it untill i tried to get out of bed. i literally fell on my face. all i could do is lay there on the floor; laughing at myself, and wait until i regained feeling in my limbs. ;)

stkeepsitreal 0

hahaha iv done that b4, i gave myself a nice lil shiner

Lol, that's why I always walk to the phone. If they hang up, check the missed calls and call back. No big deal.

it feels so weird wen my arm falls asleep, the 1st time it was completely dead, during my 1/2 awake moment I thought that my arm had been chopped off or sumthing

And telemarketers wonder why nobody likes them...