By Sick - 24/02/2009 20:34 - Canada

Today, I stayed home, sick in bed. I had been sleeping on my arms. I got up quickly to grab the phone. My numb left arm rocketed and punched me in the (now cut) lip, which threw me off balance, making me smash my (now bloody) nose off of the headboard. It was a telemarketer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 673
You deserved it 6 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you got beat up by yourself. That takes a lot of talent.

how the ****?...i would like to see a reinactment. but dont worry it sounded like something id do


deathburger13 0

I can only imagine how that conversation went afterwards Telemarketer: "Hello Sir or Madam. Can I interest you in some-" OP: "SH*T F***ING DAMMIT! MY F***ING NOSE! BLOOD EVERYWHEREEEEEEEEE" Telemarketer: "..."

******* telemarketers... This happened to e the other day except I didn't beat the crap out of myself

I know a kid who had to get stitches from running into a piece of string...

pwned.. by yourself. takes talent, hahhah smooth.

antonioohama 0 That's the national Do Not Call registry. If you're in the USA, go there and register all of your USA phone numbers. Then if a telemarketer calls you more than a month after you register, go to that site again and click “file a complaint” . BTW, I registered a year ago and since then, I got only one telemarketer call. That company got sued by the government.

See? Telemarketers are bad for your health! Did you tell them what they caused? Then again, telemarketers are good value too when you're bored during the day and they call, it's fun to see who will hang up first. Once you work out who they are, don't let them get a word in and sing to them, or tell them a story that would make it too awkward for them to talk to you anymore and just hang up :)

Hahahaha! Better than the actual FML itself!

starberries 0

Why the hell are there so many stories about people injuring themselves trying to get to the phone? Jesus, let it go to voicemail, it's not worth getting hurt over!

abbyfish98 0

dude! almost tha exact same thing happened to me! except it was my leg. the phone rang, so I hopped off my couch not knowing it was asleep, and I fell straight on my face and couldn't get up