By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


lakita_lover 0

Why the hell would you leave a $3,500 laptop somewhere it could be stepped on?! Especially if you're trying to be extra careful?! If that is your idea of being careful, I shudder to think how dangerous and destructive you are when being careless! Laptops belong on desks, shelves, or tucked safely away in their cases in a backpack or something. YDI for being an idiot and leaving your Macbook on the floor. I love my new macbook pro, and I would never leave it any place except the table in my dormroom.

MacBook air $3500, smashing an overpriced, underpowered computer= priceless

Macs are the fisher price of the computing world. Now that you've broken the toy, go out and buy a real computer.

I don't understand how you spent $3500 on it, since the most expensive one costs $1800 + tax, which comes to below $2000.

3500! Expensive mac air. wtf did u put in it for extra?

ZachLolWut 0

YDI for getting a macbook air. now go get yourself a real computer.

Buying an Air without insurance? Now that really is ******* stupid.

first of all....mac's are great computers....they last about 7 years or longer....unlike ******* pc's tht go in less than a year.....macs are faster, have soooo many more capabilities they are worth the money...but definitely get the insurance, so any1 whos hatin on mac are just jealous cause they cnt afford 1!!!!!!!!!