By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


19fml18 0

YDI b/c you didn't buy insurance. The MacBook air is a very fragile computer.

rendezvous 0

One month? That's generous. Give it time, Dell's usually give out within 6 months or so. ;]

HAARP_fml 0

YDI for putting a Mac on the floor. Use common sense next time.

you still have manufacturer's insurance for the first year, no biggie

I didnt know i was gay until i bought a Mac, it helped me come out of the closet and it can help you too!

lol u guys are so stupid! first of all the most expensive macbook air that u can get is 1799...u totally did get ripped off if u paid 3500 for it! someone took u good dude. and as far as mac vs PC goes...funny how people go back and forth about that, i am a mac guy myself but some people think it is there job to prove that PC's are the best thing on earth and that it is the cure to the worlds issues. and i would totally rather use the mac OS any day before the windows one, just flaky and full of problems! hows that vista going for u?? need 2GB of ram just to get it up and running, and for every 3 pc's u go through, i will still be on my first mac while u keep buying your pc's. ya i could agree that the macbook air is a little over priced for sure, but def not $3500 to buy one

Vista needs 1 gig of ram to run. If you're going to make fun of someone (btw... who are you talking to?) based on their OS, at least get your facts straight...

"...some people think it is there job to prove that PC's are the best thing on earth and that it is the cure to the worlds issues." Like Mac does (and their owners) Right? Right. You can't point fingers because everyone who uses a computer says the one they use is better. And to add on to RustyGuy (though kudos for correcting the smartass),Microsoft's website says: "Windows Vista can run on a PC with 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM), but it runs better with 1 gigabyte (GB)." SO BAM! ( 2 gb are for people who do like a bajillion things at once. So once again, don't go pointing fingers, because Mac has problems, and so does PC. End of story.

ya it says 1gig will run it better than 512 for sure, but it still runs slow with just 1 gig, you need at least 2 to have it not run slow because u will also need your virus software running in the backround all the time which also takes up RAM. So with your computer just sitting there doing nothing you need 1gig of RAM to do the OS and probably another 512Megs to run the virus protection...and this is without you even doing anything else

great way to choose your friends, #128 "Hey we hate the same company! I've never met you, but you're my best friend" sad, oh so sad

the most expensive macbook air is $1799, so yes YDI because you're an idiot for somehow managing to overpay by $1701.

AtoZandBeyond 0

You wer not meant for a MacBook. You need a toughbook.