By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


i have had a pc ever since i my family got a computor, and i hate them....they dnt last at all... my mommom got my sister a dell desktop a year b4 college and then she needed a laptop so i got tht destop , it went after a year, not even. i just got my macbook pro 17" screen and i luvvvv it.....i got it in june and it works like its brand new every day!!!!!it awsomeee pc's suck ass!!!!

What shitty PCs do you buy that go bad in less than a year? My PC from 2003 , which is from dell (dells suck ass), has been working for 6 years of heavy use, and is more than fast enough for anything that macs are made for. You think the only way someone can dis-like a mac is if they can't afford it?

syn2083 0

I love how Mac users neglect the fact that a PC is a personal computer. More to the point the hardware a PC uses is, now a days, the same as what Apple uses. Why? Because Apple was losing more and more market share, money, and needed something to get them going. So they decided to lock in 'PC' hardware that would work with the Mac and migrate over to mainstream PC'dom. The argument, the best computer to run windows is a Mac is a non sequitor. The mac itself is a PC, it uses intel hardware, it uses like video cards, ram, etc. So the best computer to run Windows is any computer that meets the requirements, guess what? Mac does that now! Also, bootcamp may be cool, but its emulation, meaning your creating a virtual computer, which uses a heck of allot more resources than normal. Apple likes to charge exorbitant prices and fees to its customers for hip and sleek hardware. Fine, enjoy it. It is not really better than a PC. When people say PC they need to realize that a home made computer with parts that would run Mac OSX is... a PC! woo! Likewise, Windows is not a PC. It is an operating system. With more market share than Apple can even dream of having. The reason for that is because it is preferred, it is more mass market acceptable, it is easily used across the world, and it 'just works'. If it were as virus prone, slow, crash heavy as everyone asserts, it never would have really taken off. It wouldn't be the mainstay of some 80% of the entire world market. If you actually do your checking Windows time to response on security fixes is higher than Apples. The only correlation that can be drawn for windows having simply more virus attacks, is because virtually everyone uses them. If no one had windows, people would develop viruses for other operating systems. These are just magic beasts that spring up in windows, people design them. They design them for the biggest target. Microsoft. If Apple actually mattered more, it would be a target.

not difficult at all really, just annoying.

You got ripped off. MacBook Airs are not that expenceive. BTW pcs suck.

wow good one. a) why would u leave it on the ground and b) why would you get an air in the first place. common sense

firey994 0

I have a mac and I like it a lot better than pc. I had 6 pcs each lasting about 3 months. I did not do anything that can give u viruses yet they still crashed. all had the same problem. when each one died I had to call dell each time to see If I could het a new pc. each time I called I got some Indian trying to help but I couldn't understand I just got a mac it still has not died and Ive had it for four years, no provlems too. macs may be overpriced but a r still better then pcs also whoever has a iPod here but hates apple is a dumbshit

Must have been something wrong with the 6 laptops having the SAME problems... Couldn't have possibly been YOU AT ALL