By Anonymous - 23/03/2012 21:46 - United States - Kingman
Same thing different taste
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Some people might relate…
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People don't want to work, huh?
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It's the most wonderful time of the year…
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By Anonymous - 05/02/2017 05:00 - United States - Fresno
Top comments
um yeah it's poop. that is the shrimps intestinal Tracy
Don't Give Up Man
How the **** do you de-poop a shrimp?
If only there was a way to look things up.
Good jobs are hard to come by in this economy. With no experience, education or other marketable skills you are in for a tough time. It is possible to work your way up. But you will probably move on from de-pooping shrimp and up the food chain a bit. Get som e experience, a skill or an education.
Goals. The first thing is to identify what your goals are. Be clear about them. You need clear, realistic and achievable goals. The major goal may require several intermediate goals, or steps, in order to achieve it. Then develop a plan. The plan may take several years. You may have to work some shit job(s?), and live poor for a while (years) and go to school part time in order to work your plan to achieve the larger goal. So be it. In five or six years you could have a marketable skill or an education you can leverage to a better life. Your options are... all that... going nowhere. Goals set to a plan. That is the key. Remember, hope is good but hope is not a plan. Goals a plan and the guts to stick to it. That's what you need. It won't be easy. It can be done. I won't bore you with my story but I did what I just told you. Goals, a plan and don't give up.
I recommend not referring to it as "de-pooping" anymore. De-veining sounds much more professional and you ARE taking out a little more than just shrimp poop lol. Build up a little business in your neighborhood walking dogs, mowing lawns, helping clown houses if you have an elderly neighbor. Just little random things to get some extra cash and build up a list of references who have seen your work ethic. Or get a volunteer job for a while. I couldn't find a job for shit, so I started volunteering and after doing that regularly for a few months I got a job in no time. Even though you aren't getting paid, it's still considered work experience. The fact that you will work hard for free tells them you'll work even harder for money. I know that sucks in the mean time, but it does help.
Aww I'm sorry OP :( Just try to say positive (even though it can be very hard sometimes) and things will eventually get better :)
I like retail.
Really? You can't find work anywhere? Isn't McD's always hiring? What about becoming a garbage/mail person? I don't think either of those require much in the way of previous experience. Heck, my university has posters up all over the place saying how a job in waste disposal looks great on a resume so apply now... If you really wanted a job there is always one out there, unfortunatley a lot of those "always open" jobs are pretty menial and people don't want to have to "lower" themselves to do it... To all those people, I say suck it up!
Keep applying and don't give up. If your standards are too high lower them. If all else fails, work at a grocery store; they take pretty much everybody. But also try to get an education so you can get a better job down the road.
De pooping shrimp? Sounds like you are a hard worker willing to do anything to make your money. People should be glad to have you. You will find a job soon.