By walktowardslight - 03/12/2014 10:35 - Denmark - R?dovre

Today, I still didn't feel quite awake after the first lesson at school, so I went to get a cup of coffee from the vending machine. I had just enough money for it. No cup dropped into the holder, and the whole thing poured straight into the drip tray while I watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 675
You deserved it 3 248

walktowardslight tells us more.

Ugh, pour little me was just going about the daily grind, and now you're all making a mochary of my misfortune?!

Top comments


Nickb55 16

Sorry you seem to be having a frappy day.

If your school has one, I'd suggest going to decafeteria next time.

My comment must have been pretty brewtal, grounds for down voting.

Ugh, pour little me was just going about the daily grind, and now you're all making a mochary of my misfortune?!

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bughug1999 11

This is the best one I've read yet. But isn't it a little latte?

xxreikoxx 31

Don't worry OP, it happens to the best of us sometimes. The rest of us just aren't ballsy enough to admit it.

Jesus!!! Didnt you read the comment??? It was a PUN!!!!!!

23lf 16

Sounds like the Earth is mad at you OP! What the hell did you do! But seriously, FYL.

How would earth control a coffee machine at school?

I'm guessing #2 means the cosmic force, universe, God, karma, some higher power, ect. some people believe that everything happens for a reason. some believe in coincidences, or creating your own truth/fate. but whatever the reason for a shit day, I believe in all of it. coffee is a necessity to me, so I'm sorry for your loss, OP. must have been hard witnessing the death of your coffee.

23lf 16

You must be a special kind of stupid huh 10. And yes 12, you are correct. That was the joke.

Not related but I like your choice in anime 2!

iTzSelverZz 14

You could just tell who is responsible about what happened and you will get your coffee

Doesn't really work that way if your getting coffee in between classes op probably didn't have time to go did someone explain what happened and then wait on them to get the coffee

Generally speaking, you can talk to a person at the school who has authority to refund money for those things and just get your money back real quick.

PSYqualiac 17

Because $0.90 is worth the refund.

addictedtoIASIP 14

I would talk to someone who works at the school and hopefully they can fix it, and also give you your money back

Should have just stuck your mouth under the spout and drank it straight from the machine at 200 degrees

This entirely. OP totally deserves it for not doing this.

Garnetshaddow 30

That depends entirely on how desperate you are for coffee. There has to be some kind of tipping point where temp of coffee = less painful than no coffee.

Hide behind the machine. Wait for the next person to get their coffee. As soon as they're about to pick it up, hit them hard, pick up their coffee, and calmly leave.

Unless the vending machine won't work for them ethier. Then she is screwed.

Then they can double team the coffee machine and... dispense a whole latte justice.

#28 go to your room and think about what you've done.

Just go back to bed, that day sounds skip-worthy.

dude, you're at school. how can you go back to bed?

I'm assuming this is in college #31, you don't have to be there. They really don't care, you're paying so you can choose to go or not. Op can just go home for the day, no questions asked.

41 completely agree, but sadly some professors are dicks. Even if a student is getting an A on Hw and tests in some weird hybrid course. Where most of the assignment are online and through wiki, but doesn't go to all classes the teacher can do give them a D that's unable to be contested. Happened to me that seriously screwed up my GPA in university :/ lol but it's in the past now

Some days life just says "**** you". Those days are a real bitch-a-rooney.

Coffee, the nectar of life in the morning. I would have been extremely disappointed too op.