By Anonymous - 22/02/2013 02:56 - United States - New York

Today, I stole a pen from the doctor's office while she wasn't looking. Later on at work, I idly pulled the pen out during a meeting. My colleague looked at me, horrified. The pen had the words "minimally invasive gynecological surgery" emblazoned on it. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 660
You deserved it 51 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Thr33to16 8

And now you're looking for pity. How manly of you.

A gynecologist deserves whatever tbey get for the foul things the say about women's fathers... I assume that is what they mean by pap smear.

I'm not understanding the horrified look that the coworker gave. I have tons of pens with ridiculous things written on them that don't have anything to do with my race/gender/or healthcare practices that I've gotten from business expos. Those people are practically throwing pens, pencils, erasures, balloons, and coloring books at you as you walk through the aisles. What is to stop her from thinking you didn't wind up with the pen that way? or that perhaps it's a pen your girlfriend/wife handed to you? It's a pen, it's function doesn't change based on gender regardless of what's advertised on it's surface. Get over it.

felidsentry 17

I'd say that's a success on the doctor's part.

Haha. Dude you've gotta admit you kinda deserved that one.

Why'd he look at you so horrified?? Just because you have a pen with that on it... Why does that mean anything?

I would have smiled and said " just when you think you know someone huh"

Wait, so you're a male who has a female doctor? Interesting choice...