By Anonymous - 22/02/2013 02:56 - United States - New York

Today, I stole a pen from the doctor's office while she wasn't looking. Later on at work, I idly pulled the pen out during a meeting. My colleague looked at me, horrified. The pen had the words "minimally invasive gynecological surgery" emblazoned on it. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 660
You deserved it 51 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OP, stealers never win and winners never steal. Thief!

Only people who work together in healthcare are allowed to steal each other's pens. I lost one last night when my ambulance colleague forgot who it belonged to and pocketed it. And it happens a lot in pre-hospital care.

Skylansmile 11

Aside from all else, who cares? It's a stupid pen. It's not like it's a Mont Blanc. You're using a pen with gyno stuff on the side... So? Who says it wasn't just in the drawer by your phone to take notes with when someone leaves a message for someone else and that you happened to bring it with you. Why would your colleagues be "horrified"? This is dumb.

Seriously ? It's a pen. We've all snagged pens.

Why would they write that on a pen? Nobody wants to use that in public!

jopey 3
Life_sucks_13 6

A pen is a pen. So what? I'm surprised she was shocked. Sorry op.

bellatrix0805 2

That's why you never EVER steal. My 4 year old sister knows that.

Satoaoi 13

well now you know not to steal

Penny-wise and pound-foolish: stealing a pen from a doctor's office. Don't you know that's where sick people go?