By Anonymous - 22/02/2013 02:56 - United States - New York

Today, I stole a pen from the doctor's office while she wasn't looking. Later on at work, I idly pulled the pen out during a meeting. My colleague looked at me, horrified. The pen had the words "minimally invasive gynecological surgery" emblazoned on it. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 660
You deserved it 51 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If there's one thing doctors offices have millions of, it's pens, mainly from Pharmaceutical reps. No one is really going to give a shit that you took a pen, mainly because it's probably worth 25 cents, but you should probably have looked at it first.

joethebiden 8

In all fairness, who the **** emblazons that on a pen? I mean, couldn't she put her name on it or something? Sure, YDI for stealing the pen, but also FYL for having a doctor with very poor taste concerning personalized supplies.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Stealing is bad, mm-kay? It's one thing if you accidentally take a pen--that sort of stuff happens all the time--but to deliberately take a pen. #46, as others have said, doctors frequently have all sorts of crap foisted on them by pharmaceutical companies. I suspect that would include pens.

Stormdriven37 6


onorexveritas 23