By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 22:29 - United States

Today, I stumbled across "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" on TV and realized that these awful freaks are going to make more money than I ever will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 296
You deserved it 3 154

Same thing different taste


crazyjemjem 6

There should be a 'I agree, our life sucks' choice for this one.

perdix 29

Just think, these hillbillies have suddenly been catapulted into the top 1 percent in wealth. Everyone hates the One-Percenters who have ruined America. At least, 99% of us do.

The 99% only hate the 1% when they don't acknowledge the 99% that helped get them there. As for them being in the 1%, if they are, they won't be there long. At least not from the commercials that i do happen to end up listening to.

boycrazy30007 12

They are no where near the 1%. And people who hate the 1% are idiots. They worked for their money or to keep their money. Leave them alone. And If they inherited it than oh well get over it. Their parents or grandparents worked hard to give their family a good life.

DMarie2014 5

I just realized that now when you said that. Oh my gosh... What is wrong with society where the ones who work hard barely make half of what somebody one tv makes in a year? It's sad, really..

yesyesnonono 10

Yeah they'll make that money by being redneck freaks, while the working class in America busts its ass. And if you try to get an education to get a better job, you're ******, my friend.

Considering her future hospital bills I'm not too bummed out.

alexicanaaa 7

They'll make money from the show but I'm pretty sure the dad works too. I think he's involved with the fire department? Either way, he works too. Everyone is so judgmental; honestly, I find the show hilarious & who cares what they do with their life? I'm pretty sure they could care less with what you do with yours. I'm from North Alabama but I seriously do not act like that nor does anyone else I know. Hahaha. I'll probably get thumbed down but oh well. Just sharing my opinion. :p

You may be right, but they will spend all of their money before Honey Boo Boo drops out of school because she is knocked up.

They don't spend the money. It is put into the girl's college funds.

Alliente 9

I think this is really an our life sucks...

I love tht show!! A dollah makes me hollah honey boo boo!!

A 6 year old should not be saying those kind of things.

All I want to know is when is social services going to get involved and stop the mom from pumping her full of that redbull mtn dew cocktail.

boycrazy30007 12

I don't know what kind of teens you know but every teen I meet loves energy drinks.