By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 22:29 - United States

Today, I stumbled across "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" on TV and realized that these awful freaks are going to make more money than I ever will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 296
You deserved it 3 154

Same thing different taste


Honey boo boo is awesome and they are themselves. They don't try to impress anyone or put up a fake front. So they deserve to make more money than you.

You deserve to die.. I watched that show for less than five minutes and it made me want to beat a kitten to death with a frying pan.. They are most definitely NOT themselves, they are whoever the media wants them to be.. They are nothing but fake. She's a ******* six year old and she's wearing more makeup than Lady Gaga. She shouldn't be parading her body around in slutty little outfits, she should actually live like she's a six year old. She should play with legos like my brothers, my sisters, and myself did (we even still do) when we were younger instead of dress like a ***** and soon-to-be teen mom/stripper.. I have much more to say but I'm getting bored with this bullshit -_-

Reality tv has been garbage the whole time!

"A dollar makes me holla Honey Boo Boo!"

don't be rude. that is actually a good show. it shows not every girl on toddlers and tiara's is a little rich thing.

I think it's a good show because it depicts that not everyone needs to be idolized by what they where or how big their home is. It simply shows that anyone can do what they want but still live the "real" American life.

O.o I really hope no other countries see this post. In response to your first sentence, while the show *may*, and I use that word loosely because I'm not even sure if they portray that well, have that single moral, the other messages sent to it's viewers (especially the younger ones) are not worth that one hidden, locked away ideal.

this show is about when 1st cousin do lots of drugs(meth/crack) drink and have sex an procreate

mollysticks 10

How long until child services is at their door?...

OMG! Those toothless hicks are the worst thing on TV! I turned it one once to see what a honey boo boo was, I found out quickly & changed the channel. I'll never watch that rot again. You're right, they're making a truckload of money & they don't deserve it!! TV sucks now!!!!

You do realize they all have all their teeth.