By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 22:29 - United States

Today, I stumbled across "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" on TV and realized that these awful freaks are going to make more money than I ever will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 296
You deserved it 3 154

Same thing different taste


linkinpark98 23

That show makes me want to dig a hole big enough to fit a bed, video games, and a mini fridge and just escape life.

skyeyez9 24

Ugly fat mom has ruined 3 kids and is about to be a grandmother

kayomi 1

That just depressing for everyone

everton99 16

If you think just seeing these people is bad try living around them. I promise people from the south aren't this stupid. They give us a bad name.

MetalCraze 11

YDI,for being a judgmental ****. You may not like them but who are you to call other freaks?

Lpadavis 0

F all of our lives if people like this are the future....

lololwowXD 8

I saw a preview of it the other day and I'm pretty sure I lost some IQ points. It's really sad that our world is entertained by THAT anymore.

KiddNYC1O 20

That's just how it is. Look at Snook.