By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 22:29 - United States

Today, I stumbled across "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" on TV and realized that these awful freaks are going to make more money than I ever will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 296
You deserved it 3 154

Same thing different taste


You better redneckanize! Makes me wanna kill myself.

I'm from Georgia and we don't act like this. With the roadkill though, who cares. You need to think at least they aren't taking our money for food stamps, or on wellfare. They provide a lot better than most of these families do in America. So what they make more money than you get out and do something with your life to make that much money.

day624 14

Now thats an Inconvenient truth for ya..

I had that same revelation when jersey shore came out. Just know that you have more sense than them and you work hard for what you have.

CoolRainbowdash 15
RedPillSucks 31

The Beverly Hillbillies of the new Millennium

skyeyez9 24

Honey boo boo will pioneer a new reality show starring herself on MTV in 5 years called "13 and pregnant"

skyeyez9 24

I feel sorry for that kid. She has no say in how she is being raised (and exploited). She knows nothing else but that life and thinks it is normal. I want to punch the parents in their throats.

Is it sad I love this show?? I haven't missed an episode.. Judge me.

There are some quality shows i watch on TLC but this is not one of them. I have to mute the TV during commercial breaks or change the channel. They seem to play that shows promo during every commercial break and sometimes twice.

The sad reality of the world we live in. You don't need talent or have to work hard anymore to earn a great amount of money. Just act like freaks and just wait for the TV camera's. It's sad that so much money will be spend on shows and people like these, while there are other people who could really use the money for whatever reason. But at the same time it can be quite relaxing in my opinion to watch dumb shows like these. A great way to shut your brain off for a while while you're watching. I'm always amazed at how stupid the people are on most reality shows. It makes you realize how great your own life is, compared to theirs, simply because you have a fully functioning brain, which most of them seem to lack. :)