By WatchOut - 16/08/2013 16:04 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I submitted my big assignment to my teacher at 1:55pm. The deadline was 2pm. She rejected it, because her watch read a few minutes after 2pm, and she maintains that the time on her watch is the "real" time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 888
You deserved it 13 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh those teachers that refuse to be wrong. However why did you wait till the last minute?

Remember that next time you're late for class.


Oh God you're from my country. This is such a typical thing for Singapore. Speak to your course manager. Do everything you can.

Atomic clock is the way to go...or just turn them in a day early or so...

mikey38654 3

Guys... guys. Who said it was done on computer? Anywhere I went to school up until college at this point, we never submitted files over the network or internet. Paper doesn't carry a timestamp. I do believe this may have been a face to face interaction involving a paper assignment.

Take a screen shot and show it to her supervisor.

You should have sent it in earlier. FYL, though. Teachers can be such assholes about assignment deadlines.

isnt it still summer. if your school started earlier, isnt it too soon for a big assignment?

OP lives in Signapore. I'm pretty sure that in the far east of the world, it's currently winter or spring and they came back from their winter break like a couple of weeks ago.

oooh didnt know that. thanks for telling

Where I live in Australia you have a number you can call to know what the exact current time it is in your state right down to the last second, I would of grabbed my mobile called that number and put it on speaker phone. Is there something similar available where you live?

Poetaster 10

Punch the bitch out and when she comes to declare her late for class

That's why you shouldn't wait until the last several minutes.