By WatchOut - 16/08/2013 16:04 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I submitted my big assignment to my teacher at 1:55pm. The deadline was 2pm. She rejected it, because her watch read a few minutes after 2pm, and she maintains that the time on her watch is the "real" time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 888
You deserved it 13 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh those teachers that refuse to be wrong. However why did you wait till the last minute?

Remember that next time you're late for class.


YDI for procrastinating, and FYL for her rejecting your project.

While not procrastinating is always a good thing, we don’t know if OP WAS procrastinating. My final paper for one of my final classes when I was getting my BA was super intense and I didn’t procrastinate at all and I still only got it in about a half hour before the deadline. So, OP might well have been working just as diligently. Either way the OPs professor is an asshat.

I hope you appealed to the principal/dean.