By all arsed out - 06/03/2016 16:50 - United Kingdom - Spalding

Today, I suffered an uncontrollable sneezing attack. I have the runs. It wasn't exactly as bad as I'd have expected. Just a lot worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 655
You deserved it 1 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nattlecakes 19

Hope you were in a safe place like home where you could avoid embarrassment and wash off quickly. It must have been a pain to clean up though. FYL


...a wise person once told me.... 'never fully trust a fart after 30'.....

TMO2142 25

well shit... that must suck. sorry OP

momac86 17

That's what you call a sheeze

I remember back in middle school I caught the stomach flu. I had to vomit, but I also had the runs. So when I vomited, the stress caused both ends to go at once. Not a pleasant experience. The nurses then bitched me out for not being able to control myself. Needless to say, I needed several changes of clothes that day.

has no one ever heard of immodium? that stuff could plug up the holes in the Titanic!