By a tad whipped - 28/04/2013 20:44 - Australia

Today, I summoned the courage to call my abusive mother-in-law about her non-payment of the money I stupidly lent her last year. She replied, "Why don't you go deepthroat a cactus, then we'll talk about it, cunt." and then hung up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 229
You deserved it 7 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like she is the one who deep throated a cactus, she's really stingy. But you should try and take it as high as you can and see If you can get the money back somehow, good luck OP and sorry to hear about how unlucky you are with family


arkin5 4

Soooo ..... Did you deep throat it?

And then Grandma didn't get to see the grandkids until she did trust me that usually works when my older sister and mom fight bad enough my sister won't let my mom see her kids until she does whatever is needed last time it was anger management classes

your mother-in-law has the quite way with words, if I may say so myself.

THAT was a job for your spouse, not you.

OP, I can sympathize. I have a psychotic ex-mother-in-law that is so irritated by not being able to control me now that I've divorced her equally psychotic son, she's taken me to court the last 2 years demanding "Grand Parenting Visitation Rights". Unfortunately, I had a complete dolt for a lawyer, and she won. Now she's fighting for more time as, apparently, 1 weekend a month, 48 extra hours during the Christmas season and an entire week during the year isn't nearly enough. Good luck!

Kaylan_Paige 6

Better start deep throating

If your wife can't sort it out (her family, after all) then write the money off. But don't ever lend more. And if you have kids, you and your wife might want to cut contact altogether. A grandparent like that will only do your kids psychological harm.

I think the lesson learned here is "don't loan money to family members".