By lectro - 23/11/2008 08:22 - France

Today, I swallowed the piercing that I had bought for my tongue yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 928
You deserved it 31 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make sure you eat a lot or the sharp side will not come out smoothly! cheers

ugh having a toung peircing doesnt mean your a freaking ****! It's just another stupid stearotypes like 'blondes are stupid and pink is for girl' its stupid! And sad!! And dot you choke on the tounge peircing? Um bad luck sorry hope it...comes out soon...


Terfy 0

Fyl because you have a tongue piercing.

smgboo 0

It happens all the time. Suck it up and deal.

Never happened to me. And I don´t know anybody that had that happening to them, so I´m not sure why everbody thinks it happens "all the time"... But btt, just buy a new one.

so yes this is old. However it does happen all the time. I've had my tongue pierced for 6 years and I can't count the amount of tongue rings I've swallowed. Granted only the entire bar once, but still.

alexxss_fml 10
EvilCupcake8361 9

that's gonna hurt comin' out the other end

moemoney8888 7

Makes no sense, saying TODAY I swallowed my piercing for my tongue YESTERDAY

She swallowed the piercing she had bought the day before she swallowed it.

How does one swallow a piercing? I could see swallowing the jewelry that goes in a piercing, but not the piercing itself.

ptv1105 0

That happened to me the 2nd week I had mine done.:T

I have had my tongue pierced for about 5 years. One time I swallowed one of the balls because it came unscrewed from the stick. One time in 5 years! It might not happen all the time, but it does happen.