By Anonymous - 12/09/2013 05:18 - United States

Today, I taught my kid how to mow the lawn. It's a self-propelling mower so it's easy to handle. My kid thought it would be smart to tie the handle down so that he wouldn't have to push it at all. This resulted in the lawn mower blasting through our fence and sinking into my neighbor's pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 938
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Points for innovative thinking! F on thinking it through first!!!

At least he was trying to be creative in his laziness!


Bet you can't wait to teach your kid all about cruise control on the family vehicle!

lonewolf658 6

This kid is going places. Not college or university, but places.

Actually, McDonalds has relatively high standards these days. Walmart, on the other hand, not so much.

Idk, if he keeps workin at this lawn care, he could be a wife snatcher by time he's 16

You should have said "should have", and you should have used some capitalisation and punctuation, and you should have perhaps included a subject in your comment. Other than that, you were spot on.

At least you have an excuse to buy a new mower?

Yeah, everyone wants an excuse to blow hundreds of dollars on buying a new appliance that they shouldn't have to replace yet. I love when my stuff breaks out of warranty!

atrandom 11

If there is a warranty on it, yes great. Although, it always seems that things break or get destroyed the day the warranty ends

He was just trying to work hard and make money. Mow the lawn, and get money for algae removal of the neighbors pool.

I feel like I need an age clarification on your son before I can really make a judgement here. If he was 11, for instance, that's probably still too young to be left alone with a potentially dangerous machine. But if he was 15 or so, he's definitely old enough to know better than to do crap like this.

Actually a 11 year old can. I had to learn to mow the lawn at 9.

graceinsheepwear 33

You are right. People don't realize now dangerous lawn mowers are. I got my leg tangled in one at 14 when a riding mower bucked up when put in gear and I have a permanent handicap of foot drop because the nerves on my leg were cut.

Shit, I'm sorry that happened. That seals it, mowers are on the list of tools and appliances my son is banned from ever using. God bless him, he's as accident prone as Mr. Bean!

I tried to mow the lawn for the forst time when I was about 6-7 or something. I was too small to push it around though. My brother on the other hand started mowing the lawn when he was 9-10 years old. My mom didn't trust me to not mow the dandelions down D:

autumndobbs 11

Hey at least you can console your self know that it's YOUR kid. Well shit..

What, you mean that's NOT how you're supposed to do it?? Damn...