By really? - 23/09/2013 02:24 - United States

Today, I texted my girlfriend to tell her that we couldn't hang out because my dog died this morning and we were burying him. She replied that she wasn't going to get stood up by a stupid dog. She then broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 086
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyday_Galaxy 14

I'm sorry but if someone doesn't respect that fact I don't think they deserve respect.


Sorry for your loss OP and about your girl, though she sounds delightful, but I have to ask... How heartless does one have to be to click 'YDI'? I just don't get people.

Heathtastic 10

sounds like you're better off without her

Sorry to hear you lost your bitch today, and your dog too

That dog loved you more than she ever would.

Just means she wasn't the one fire you!

D: OMG OP! I'm so sorry about your dog! I have three dogs and I'd be torn to pieces if anything happened to them. Your ex-gf is a stuck up POS and you don't need someone that heartless in your life. Find a dog lover, we're out there!

That's when you tell her if she doesn't watch herself you'll bury her next.

if u took nude pic of her put them on the internet for everyone too see!!