By BURGERT0WN USA - 10/01/2016 19:46 - United States - Redmond

Today, I texted the girl I'm going to homecoming with in a couple days to say hi. The conversation started OK, but then morphed into her saying that she doesn't feel anything between us, and wants to stop being friends after the dance. I have to buy her dinner and a ticket, out of my own wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 340
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or tell her you aren't feeling this dance with her and don't pay for her.

Sorry op, but really you don't have to... Find someone who respects you!


You don't have to buy her anything, and I wouldn't if I were you. Save your money, bro.

Tell her since she doesn't even want to be friends then she should have no problem paying for her own food and ticket. Or just tell her you don't want to go with her anymore especially since she doesn't even want to be friends. She sounds like a bitch, you don't need her in your life anyway.

Dude, no. Don't take her. That's messed up.

Rockin_Rob5 5

Just don't go then. There's no need to waste ur time if ur not even gonna be friends afterwards.

Dude I had the exact same thing happen. Just say I'm not gonna go then. If she expects that after telling you no, then she's a bitch and don't worry about it

You don't have to do squat. Go to the dance without her, and for her rudeness, I wouldn't even tell her. Just don't buy her a ticket and don't rock up at her house. Let her figure it out by herself

No you don't have to do any of that with her. You're better off devoting your time on someone who'll appreciate you.

Deathfaith 0

Or you could grow some balls and stand up for yourself...

**** the dance. Don't go at all, spend the money on booze and have a much better time.