By BURGERT0WN USA - 10/01/2016 19:46 - United States - Redmond

Today, I texted the girl I'm going to homecoming with in a couple days to say hi. The conversation started OK, but then morphed into her saying that she doesn't feel anything between us, and wants to stop being friends after the dance. I have to buy her dinner and a ticket, out of my own wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 340
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or tell her you aren't feeling this dance with her and don't pay for her.

Sorry op, but really you don't have to... Find someone who respects you!



I would then inform her that you aren't interested in going to homecoming with her at all then. I'm sure if you looked there is a girl with no guy to go with that would LOVE to spend the night with you, and continue to be friends afterwards. honestly if I girl says that crap then its because she has decided to be "friends" with another guy. I mean who can at least remain friends?

Really, she jumped straight from she doesn't "feel anything between" you to saying she doesn't wanna be friends after the dance? I'm thinking there was a part in between where you were a jerk to her for saying that, and that's why she decided she didn't even want to be your friend anymore.

Something similar happened to me for senior prom. Dump her ass and go alone. You'll have more fun then being stuck with someone like her, I promise.

No OP. You don't HAVE to do anything. Better to go alone than go with someone so disrespectful

Don't go with her then. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

Or you could, ya know, not go with her.

delfino1604 24

if you still take her out and pay for her then you're a push over.

You absolutely do not have to do any of that, at all. So don't. If you did something to piss her off then apologize, but otherwise...why waste money on someone who doesn't even think your friendship is worth it? Cancel on her ass, going alone is better than having a shit date.

my girlfriend broke up with me the day after homecoming OP