By AyoitsSteveo - 24/05/2009 09:49 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to bother my friend Emily. I kept punching her. She asked if I wanted to fight. I agreed because she's a 15 year old skinny girl and I'm 17 year old buff guy. She beat the crap out of me until I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 925
You deserved it 159 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you pretty much deserve that one.. dumbass

wtfml0715 0

hahahahah nice going this is pretty sad


"Skinny guys fight 'til they're burger" -Fight Club

anubisismylife 9

I think Emily is awesome.

SynysterNero 20

You deserved it for hitting her in the first place.

Yeah that's why, girls tell people that we are strong! Please think about joining a gym

fml_seriously316 13

Wait you're a guy and you were punching and fighting a girl! Wtf is your problem! You deserved to get your ass kicked

Funnyguyproblems 1

You've underestimated her. Broke the golden rule.

that's why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover