By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 10:29 - United States

Today, I thought my family would like it if I celebrated the new year with them. My brother thought that I'd like him to shoot my butt with his new gun in celebration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 099
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daydreamstar 7

now thats a pain in the ass...

I like how you people bring in the new year. I personally like to celebrate the new year by chopping my arm off as a nice "**** you" to the universe.


yeah, I agree. I have a similar christmas story from a year ago. except I was the shooter :)

tjs77 0

In_wonderland... If you h8 ppl here go back to ur own ******* country

cokyspaniel 0

if by gun you meant dick and if ur bros gun, or dick, was new, then was he.........

cokyspaniel 0

if the gun was real though, get well soon

exactly! Only in america do we have so many rights and privileges! God bless America!