By MGZ - 19/10/2009 02:33 - United States

Today, I told my 13 year-old daughter that she was grounded from using her phone. Later on, I get an important call regarding a job that I have been after. After I'd picked up the phone, my daughter starts screaming, "HELP! RAPE! HELP!" on the other phone. I don't think I'll be getting the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 396
You deserved it 8 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noshitsherlock 0

WOW. Since it was so ******* important (HELLO, JOB), you should punish her by making her live off of the bare minimum for at least a month - NO CELL PHONE AT ALL, basic shitty food, no new clothes, etc.

wow. you have a really messed up daughter.


I agree with 84! if your daughter is 13 and doesn't know that money is the root for all her stuff & how the world works... she's going to end up in a very, very bad position.

YouHaveFailed 0

I just turned 14 today.. so does ur daughter get down? :)

Anunnaki 0

I would have kicked her ass, then made her life living hell afterwards.

beat her until she starts cutting herself in a corner

Zanzy 0

Lol. Just what I wouldn't done ;)

Zanzy 0

Whoops I meant would of done. Stupid auto correct

Boredumm 6

stop blaming op for stuff your not sure about geez bad parenting? it could be the kids she hangs around with at school, and for people saying that it's a must to have a phone for safety then, just tell the girl since you don't have a phone you aren't allowed to go anywhere but home and school until you can get your phone back

You should cancel her phone and tell her she shouldn't plan on getting it back anytime soon. Sounds partially your fault, she sounds spoiled.

holly shit your daughter sounds like a ******* bitch