By hairy - 25/02/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, I told my boss I was bored of being a cashier and would rather go to food prep. He told me I couldn't because my arms were too hairy. I'm a sixteen year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 938
You deserved it 6 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gracky_fml 0

whaat?! don't shave them!! weird. then you have to keep up on it all the time, or else they might get prickly and you'll have to wait forever for the arm hair to get soft again. arm hair is nooo big deal. forr real. no need to shave or wax it. another thing women have to do, but men don't?!! helllll naw!


If you're going to be working food preparation in the public eye, whether or not it IS hygenic, you must APPEAR hygenic to the customers or they will become upset and complain. As you say you are a "cashier" it's very likely that food preparation is done in plain sight of the customers. To all of those people saying you could sue, to all of them saying it's no reason to deny you the position, and to you, OP.... I'm sorry, but having an appearance that customers will accept is actually very important in business and is a perfectly acceptable reason to deny someone a position. Do you think that interviewers aren't screening you for appearance? Try going to the interview unshaven and dressed in your pyjamas next time. People get disgusted by a lot of things. The thought of someone else's hair in their food is pretty high on the list. If your boss thinks it would be a concern... he's probably right. Perhaps you should discuss other options with him.

Makinitez 0

Uhh, shave your ugly arm pubes. Duh, if you know a thing or two about food, the you'd know that hair ANYWHERE NEAR food is gross. You deserved it, really...come on.

******* idiot boss. The guys that do food prep all have arm hair unless they're gay.

Andie060309 0

Im sorry, but i totally just spit out my water while reading this because i started laughing so hard.

harrypotterfan12 0

sorry, but thats just plain sad


u poor thing. shave or wax. problem solved

Itstopsecret 0

Seriously girl hairy arms ook horrible.