By mulligan - 07/07/2016 17:38 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend I'll be moving to a different state in a few months for a new job. He now refers to me as his "girlfriend for now". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 886
You deserved it 2 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you two spoken about this before? I mean, was this info out of nowhere? Maybe he's hurt that you're moving and doesn't really know what to say. Communicate if you havent!


ollygollymolly 6

Next time he says that say, "okay, my boyfriend no longer" and leave.

I don't know, but it sounds like this job isn't really a temporary thing. You are willing to move to another state for this job, so is it safe to assume you are not moving back home for the next few years (if ever)? Then I will have to take his side on this. Even if it is temporary: you just told him today. He's probably sad and maybe a little angry right now, so can you really blame him for saying something like that? He did not immediately break up with you, so maybe it means that he just needs some time to think.

What do you expect him to say," oh good a long distance relationship will work."

Not to be harsh but I think your relationship is pretty much over. I kind of sympathize with him, he knows it's not going to work.

Depending on your age and how long you've been together maybe you should talk to him about moving

If you just sprung it on him, or if it is not something you guys talked about, then YDI

BloodyGlass 10

Just tell him, "There's the door." :)

justtopissyouoff 3

Have you spoke to him about moving with him or anything? If not, he probably thinks you're just going to up and leave him, which is why he's saying that.