By Anonymous - 29/05/2013 05:28 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I told my boyfriend of ten months that I'm not ready for marriage. A few hours later he proposed at my grandma's 85th birthday party. She cried when I said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 781
You deserved it 11 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At 10 months, I'm surprised he proposed. Of course it depends on what your age is. He's stupid for going through with the proposal even though you clearly said you aren't ready. And it's sad grandma is disappointed, but honestly, it's not her relationship. She should stay out of it.

Trying to pressure you into marring him? That's not cool.


blink831forever 13

Your b/f either doesn't listen to you...............or just doesn't give a **** and does what he wants. Either way your situation is an awkward one.

He deserves it for not listening to you in the first place. Communication is key in a relationship! But grandma shouldn't be crying. After all it is your relationship and not hers

It's good you said no, he probably would of not listen to anything you said in the future.

Oh well hopefully he gets the hint and walks away now

Hopefully you are "of age" because too often am I seeing young couples (around 16) rushing into everything. My two mates got together and within 8 months they were engaged, looking for a house and expecting their first child. They were 17. Love used to mean so much more, it seems.

Wow what an ass move trying to pressure op and how painful it must have been to Op when her grandmother started crying when she said no

Isa_fml 20

Good for you for not caving to the pressure. Public proposals are sort of gross... it's creepy and manipulative.

YeaSo3 14

What a dick. You told him nicely you're not ready for that sort of thing, he ignores you and proposes in front of your family?! Was he ******* listening?! Your Gran didn't have to cry, sake, that shit doesn't help at all. Good on you for standing your ground and ignoring a public proposal.

Exactly why I don't want to be proposed to in public.