By bojangles - 28/02/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I don't like his facial hair and that he should shave it off. He replied, "You first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 273
You deserved it 47 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe if you'd showed a little tact, he'd have spared your feelings.


guinness_fml 0

Guy having facial hair - not necessarily lazy. I keep a beard because I look much better with one. I also keep it trimmed and orderly so I don't look homeless. My girlfriend likes it, and before we were dating other girls agreed. For a girl to demand her guy to shave, just because she doesn't like kissing a guy with a hairy face... the guy deserves to ask the same thing of her.

I wouldn't tell my guy to shave his. :| Sure, I might mention he looks better without, but if he goes through a point where he simply doesn't feel like shaving or feels like letting it grow for a bit, not gonna bother me. As long as he doesn't grow a ZZ Top beard because he's lazy, anyway...

Weaseltotheface 0

wow...that's an incredibly selfish thing to say to someone you're going out with. I know for a fact I'd never tell my girl to change a think about herself. It's rude and plain stupid. your boyfriend has my pity.

Bubs_fml 0

#25: Man, I hate feminists. Demanding equality and no special treatment, but also demanding special treatment. Fact of the matter is this: You can either shave your facial and body hair, or you can just not date anyone until you come across a guy who likes hairy women. Chauvinistic dominating male pigs like myself would prefer a woman who shaves the undesirable hair - it's just something regular woman who care about their appearance do on a frequent basis. Would you want a dominating scumbag male pig with a huge pile of facial hair, a completely covered abdomen and genitals you have to part the hair to find? I'm going to assume the answer is no. You probably would want him to shave it, at least somewhat to keep it neat, or none at all. So, unless you beg to differ, that would make you a hypocritical bitch, just like average feminist. Congratulations.

@ #36, complete agreement. @ OP, take a good look in the mirror. Maybe he was right.

Telling us to shave is like telling us to cut off our dick. Stop being so high maintenance.

first tasteful funny one ive seen ever, referring to your bf's comment. control freak. if he cant control how he styles himself what can he control? thats like a verrry basic ******* arent his mom, hes not two, you dont dress him, he doesnt dress you. get over it.

oh god and i thought the post was funny but the cmnts are killing me rofl

i'm a girl and if i said that to my boyfriend...i'd expect that same reply, or i'd prolly wonder why i was dating such a not a whimpering little idiot who wants to groom the guy into my personal pet, its his face, he can do what he likes as long as its not unhygenic


haha i would laugh and think its funny i never take people all to seriously. but you put yourself up to it XD