By bojangles - 28/02/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I don't like his facial hair and that he should shave it off. He replied, "You first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 273
You deserved it 47 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe if you'd showed a little tact, he'd have spared your feelings.


serenitylater 0

Uh, wow. You totally deserved that, if only because you need to learn what "tact" is. And to the guy who said that it isn't chauvinism to expect a girl to shave just because a few guys do it, well... let me tell you this: it's not the same. Just because a handful of guys shave their face and their junk out of personal choice doesn't mean you understand how girls feel. Guys who do that do it because it's their choice. Girls do it because if we don't, we're considered some kind of freak show. Thank the gods that I have a boyfriend who doesn't give a damn about whether or not my legs have some hair, and that I don't care if he never shaves hid beard.

You're right, your life is ******. I couldn't imagine being a girl with facial hair.

thatswasup 0

Stop telling him what to do bitch! Men tell the WOMEN what to do not the other way around

Heard of mutual respect before? No? Welcome to your state of mind: Idiocy.

Comments above me, have some damn humor! You're just as sensitive as the OP when it comes to jokes!

Twinfools2431 0

Oooooooo shit u got fried by ur own bc thts some odee shit right there

Maybe he meant you should shave it for him...? lol My facial hair rocks. Every girl I've been with tells me not to shave it. haha

Romaine_fml 0

YDI... It's only fair that you shave too