By SteroidPenguin - 18/05/2013 22:33 - United States - Clifton

Today, I told my dad that I broke up with my first serious girlfriend. He responded by blaring sad breakup songs as loud as he could throughout the house, just to see me "cry like a bitch". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 462
You deserved it 7 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

why does your dad have copies of Taylor Swift albums?

On a sitcom, that would be funny. But totally undeserved. I hate when people think life is a sitcom.


Allennis44 16

Well, DID you cry like a bitch?

AlphaPrice 7

When a mom see a kid about to mess up she tell him what not to do instead of making him learn by him/her self. When a dad sees a kid about mess up he says wait wait wait.... *opens beer* well go on do it

That brings tough love to a whole new level.

That's what you get for being emo with your dad. Dude, sersly

Why cry? YOU broke up with your girlfriend.

SwtCherryPie 26

If you still live with your parents, I doubt you are old enough to have a true "serious" relationship. High school relationships are bullshit and never last. Regardless of how serious you think you were, you weren't.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Get off your high horse, will you? Most high school relationships may not be serious, but some are; and due to the raging adolescent hormones and unfamiliarity with romance, even the relationships that turn out to be insignificant in retrospect FEEL very intense at the time. This guy just got his heart broken, probably for the first time. Give him a break.

Pffft, sorry to push you off your high horse... but some high school relationships are serious. I know several people who are married with kids, well into their 30's, who were high school sweethearts. Just because YOU'RE bitter about how shitty your relationships were doesn't mean everyone else's were as well. (:

PhishloverA 14

THAT is completely ******-up; I'm so sorry for you. Hopefully your mother will be more understanding.