By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 08:23 - Canada

Today, I told my husband I want to lose the baby weight I put on with my recent pregnancy, and once I succeed I will go on a clothes shopping spree. To this he remarked, "So either way I'm spending money; either on food or on clothes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 297
You deserved it 10 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No man is going to react well to your plans to spend his money.

Well, the man has a point, unless it would definitely be your own money you would spend on clothes. Besides, why would you need to go on a shopping spree? Surely you'd have a selection of clothes from before you were pregnant that would fit when you lose the baby weight, and you could buy a couple of new things as a reward for being able to lose the weight. Unless you used the word spree as an exaggeration.


I love how you selfishly just assume you are going to go on a "shopping spree" with his money just because you lost a little weight... Besides, if it's baby fat shouldn't you still have the clothes from before you were pregnant? Think of a reward that doesn't require that you go waste a bunch of money....

SmallTownCutie 0

According to my mom and aunt AND grandma, none of your clothes fit right after a pregnancy, even if you lose your baby weight. And it's not normally "a little" weight, it's about 25 lbs.

that's right after I had my daughter my hips got wider and my breast became larger I had to buy all new clothes which I really didn't mind.

"Today my wife (who still looks great imho) wouldn't stop bitching about a tiny bit of weight she put on while she was pregnant. Suddenly, out of sobs, she declared she would lose the weight and then go on a shopping spree.. That's my money and how I just barely get by paying the bills. She got mad when I called her selfish... Fml"

mad_hatter0666 22
SmallTownCutie 0

I thought that was funny, and it's true. My mom has had 5 kids and gained a decent amount if weight from it, but my dad still thinks she's gorgeous. If you love your wife/girlfriend, then she'll always be beautiful even after a few extra pounds.

FYLDeep 25

Hopefully you'll be off of maternity leave and back to work. Get a tough manual labor job shoveling concrete or something and you'll get back in shape.

FMLephant 2

I guess you should keep getting pregnant, OP. Then you'll have a reason for baby weight and keep wearing your maternity clothes. Won't solve the money issue in any way, but it avoids the need for the gym membership and shopping spree.

Yes_I_Own_It 0

oh man! hahaha! I bet you still look amazing sweetheart. don't be so hard on yourself or on your hubbies wallet. he should have at least told you you were still beautiful instead of bitching about money though.

Well, the man has a point, unless it would definitely be your own money you would spend on clothes. Besides, why would you need to go on a shopping spree? Surely you'd have a selection of clothes from before you were pregnant that would fit when you lose the baby weight, and you could buy a couple of new things as a reward for being able to lose the weight. Unless you used the word spree as an exaggeration.

Would you like to be judged for that comment, or would you like the chance to explain so that we know whether or not we judged you correctly?

And either way you carried his child inside you for 9 months. Which essentially reeked havoc on your body's reproductive system. And then cared for said child. But you don't deserve a nice, new wardrobe for such an accomplishment.

dynky 3

yeah, because bringing a screaming brat into his house is such a worthy accomplishment...

TheDrifter 23

Because of course the fact that he is already expected to provide for you and this child for the next two decades at least means nothing in relation to a woman's desire to spend an entire months worth of his pay as a "reward" for said accomplishment. It is becoming quickly apparent how many women and girls on fml have never paid their own bills.

RedPillSucks 31

He didn't have to marry her and he didn't have to have sex and he didn't have to have kids. Once he did these things he does have an obligation. If she's taking care of his child and his house then he should pony up the cash an STFU. House maids don't come for free.

if that's an accomplishment then 10 millions teens have accomplished more in life than me

rps, i love your comments, but i have to disagree with you. yes, he did make the choice to marry her and maybe even to have sex with her. he could have possibly wanted a child (which is ambiguous, because he could have been pressured to do so). that said, using a pregnancy as a trump card to milk the husband out of his paycheck(s) is the wrong answer. he *is* obligated to take care of the child, but he should not be forced to spend all of his money simply based on the fact that she was pregnant and gained weight. if he chooses to do so, that's his prerogative (but i don't think it's wise). anyway, there are women out there that feel as though they are entitled to whatever they want as soon as they open their legs for a guy. they fall into a category we know as "the gold-digger." |the kid|

it's also apparent how many men on FML have never been pregnant. or had children at all. so because he pays the bills she isn't allowed to ever treat herself to anything? she just has to shut up and take care of the baby? maybe he does do all the work...but taking care of a baby all day isn't exactly a vacation. as a husband it's his responsibility to take care of his wife and keep her happy. not to mention pregnancy literally takes years off a womans life. but god forbid she gets any new clothes!

111, I think that none of the men on FML have ever been pregnant. If you find one who has been, please inform him that his million bucks is waiting for him XD

111 -- i have always been pregnant! i carry around millions of future babies around everyday, and i don't complain! :O seriously, my previous point stands; a pregnancy is not an excuse to spend a crapload of your spouse's money. look at the way the fml was written; it clearly states that op intended to go on a "shopping spree." whether or not it was an actual shopping spree that the wife intended is a moot point. the fact that it came out of her mouth gave the husband reason to say that, and it was a valid point. if she needs some new clothes, then so be it, but she should definitely choose her vocabulary more carefully in order to avoid eliciting such responses. |the kid|

Narelon 12

Well maybe she should use the money that she gets as child support to buy new clothes instead of violently murdering her husband's wallet. Bear in mind that he has to buy things for the child, as well.

She's not the only one who matters. *boom*

His house? His money? Pffft! Once they are married it is their money no matter who earned it. The FML here is him acting like he thinks it's His money. Prebaby clothes are not always appropriate or well fitting postbaby...

There is a difference between getting clothes because they're needed and just going on a spree to reward yourself. Maybe it's just the word spree that bugged me. However you do have a point about them sharing money, but they also have to treat that money responsibly, espcially after having just had a kid.

I personally think you're both wrong, the fml is that her hubby doesn't give a shit about her health or confidence. Especially being that most women have very low self esteem nearing the end of a pregnancy, and after. Also getting back into shape now will stand by her in the long run (excess skin, staying heavy). But the husband is more interested in paying out money for either food or clothing (two human necessities). Besides she probably has replaced a lot of her older clothes with maternity wear, and therefore will need some new ones.

I would like to know how you came to the conclusion that he doesn't care about her health. Does he say that she shouldn't get back into shape? I read it as the fact that the husband was either joking, or concerned about how many clothes she felt she was going to go out and buy, she did use the word spree after all. We also don't know how much weight the OP put on, it might not have been that much. Also, I doubt she threw away her pre-pregnancy clothes during her pregnancy, maybe some that were really old, but I doubt she'd have replaced them with the maternity wear.

Your body shape completely changes after pregnancy, things are stretched in all different directions and never look the same again. She tells him she's going to try to get healthy again and lose the excess (not an easy feat when you have a screaming child and little time to prepare healthy meals) and he replies with more concern for the money than his wife... that's not the way you talk to someone who just popped out your kid imho. I don't believe if he was joking it would be worth posting an fml.

I think maybe he was concerned about her use of the word 'spree'. Thinking that she was just going to go out and buy loads of clothes she didn't need, but she wanted. If she meant that she was going to buy clothes she needed, then she should've phrased it in a better way. However if it's clothes she wants but doesn't need, then I can understand the concern for money, they've just had a kid, they need to be responsible with money. I can see your point however.

indeed, you're not one of these slags that got knocked up by some random dude and then is chasing him for diaper money. I think a lot of people here are too young to understand marriage. yours and mine is heavily outweighed by "ours." don't like it? don't get married.