By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 23:07 - Canada

Today, I took a dump without checking for toilet paper. I then called my step dad, who said "use the stuff in the garbage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 503
You deserved it 5 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkHelmet 10

YDI Enjoy walking around with crusty asscheeks


missedtrain 3

You should of used the buddy system

I just threw up a little in my mouth. FYL OP

juliaaalove 8

Not a chance! If I had to, my last resort would be a towel..

tsume24 3

judging by your picture, it looks like your last resort would be the sidewalk

DCFan 9
kayla22098 3
hotcaligirl 10

Way to get an infection in your nether regions.. Did showering ever cross your mind?

A sham-wow would work too, now that I think of it... Imma try that...

Haidee 0

Who cares if it's horribly written! You understood it, didn't you?

use towels and give it to your stepdad. when he says WTF say it was his fault

PocketRockette 0

Happy he isnt my step dad.....but it will teach u next time.....check before u sit

Damn, he could have just gotten you some toilet paper. Oh well, worst come to worst, use your sock... sick but better than the alternative...