By Jake - 28/09/2010 17:35 - United States

Today, I took a girl I like to the movies. Everything went great until I went in to kiss her. She didn't object, but my mother, who apparently followed me to the theater and was now pulling me away by my shirt while saying, "We're leaving!" certainly did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 943
You deserved it 3 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, are some mum's really this protective of their children? Maybe she knows something about the girl you don't? Or maybe your age has something to do with this?

todayiwroteafml 0


jules8 0

How old are you? 12? Your mom wouldn't have to follow you unless your still a kid.

what ousses ne off us that she let OP out of the house, only to follow him wtf

kittykat1501 31

english, please. now, what were you trying to say?

no......parents should never follow their kids to dates. Ever.

smiley_ily 0

wow, I wonder what she'll do if she sees you do something else...

I would never do that to my kids, but in a way I wish I had, then I wouldn't have a grandson coming in 2 months thanks to my 16 yr old son

I would put what twotimes said, but that doesn't need to be on here two times.

perdix 29

That's why you need to see moves at the Cineplex and not the Oedipus Complex! Sure, they use real butter on the popcorn just like Momma does, but every seat has its view obstructed by an impenetrable web of apron strings!

in the oedipus complex, momma *is* the butter on the popcorn. |the kid|

Omg! This comment: Such funny, much psychology, so win.

icertainlysuck 0

U need to smack a bitch... and i don't mean ur date.

That. Is. Crazy! Assuming you're a bit older, that's pretty overprotective, lol. But then again, maybe OP is like 12 or something?

"even Jesus will never forgive what you do"

Peacemaker9 7

wow ur mom needed to learn not to spoil romantic moments and not embarrass u like that wow Thats sad