By thanksmom - 09/01/2013 19:57 - United States - Tucson

Today, I took my boyfriend to meet my parents. As he was loading his truck, I went inside to take a surreptitious shit. I ended up clogging the toilet, and so the first thing my mom said to my boyfriend was, "You'll have to find another bathroom; she just clogged it all up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 643
You deserved it 7 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every poops. Don't feel bad, unless he's the type that thinks it's wrong when women fart and poop.

zombieslayer83 19


I love a woman who can take a big ol dumparookski

As Frankie Boyle says "you know you love somebody when you can hear their plops on the toilet and still cuddle them"

Speaking of toilets, Japan has really badass toilets! I would love to own one of those!

At least it was at your house and not his. Less awkward xD

Satoaoi 13

lol it must be hilarious having parents that himilate there kids in front of ppl

icepick23 12

You silly person, girls don't poop!

sur·rep·ti·tious :/ˌsərəpˈtiSHəs/ Adjective; Kept secret, esp. because it would not be approved of. Why would your pooping be not approved of? Thats what happens if you hold shit for days... You get piles, hemorrhoids and clogged toilets.

bmgt 4

Your Mom is pretty flippin' tactful. Payback? Now you need to clog up the shitter at her work and blame it on her.